The IDF is commonly seen as one of the most powerful armies in the world due to the fact that there is a compulsory obligation to serve. However, it is actually the Reserves – “ miluim”, in Hebrew, that is the largest and main force in the army. With yearly training and drills, the IDF’s miluim are prepared and ready for any emergency/war that might spring up around Israel’s borders. All men, up to the age of 40, (excluding men who served as officers and served until the age of 45) who served in the regular service, regardless of time served, are obliged to turn up for miluim . Quite a few volunteer to carry on serving until older. Women who were either combat soldiers, officers, or served in other specific jobs in their regular service also serve in miluim . All other women who served in the army can do miluim voluntarily. The average amount of time one spends in miluim each year is between 20-30 days....