When the Jews began returning to the Holy land - years before nationhood - they were imbued with a pioneering spirit. David ben-Gurion defined pioneering as the refusal to submit to reality. There is no other People in the world where, throughout their history, the refusal to submit to reality is a fundamental, ongoing phenomenon. Things did not begin with the Zionist movement, and the Zionist enterprise did not begin with the first Zionist Congress. These early pioneers wanted to change their destiny with their own hands and to build a new life for themselves and their people. In those days, with no financial or other resources, one of the most efficient way for economic sustainability meant living in farming communities. Kibbutz (communal agricultural settlement) ideology was established and developed during the pre-state and early years of Israel’s statehood. During the initial years and for many years after, the Kibbutzim assumed prominen...