AGEISM AND CORONA The corona virus has taken over our lives. We still have freedom of choice – every person within his/her circumscribed small world. However, no matter how smart we are, there’s something we have to cope with that’s bigger than ourselves. We are forced into taking life slower, which isn’t a bad thing. It gives one more time to think and see what’s really important. Another consequence of corona is that older people are suddenly being taking into account. In Israel, a lot of thought and resources have been allocated in order to protect older people. Until now, youth has been much more admired and visible in the public sphere than us “oldies.” According to the head of the Gerontology department at the university of Haifa’s Health and Welfare centre, since corona, many senior citizens feel that they are being stereotyped. As if every elderly person is especially vulnerable and in imminent danger of becoming infected with corona. Th...