The United Nations quickly passed a resolution calling for a cease-fire, and in a rare instance of Cold War alignment, both the United States and the Soviet Union pressured Great Britain, France and Israel to withdraw. The Soviet Union, which had supplied arms and money to Egypt, made ambiguous—and ominous—threats about using nuclear weapons to aid its ally, while the United States wielded its economic power. The Defense Minister, Golda Meir made an impassioned speech: “They want us to tremble at the Russian threat, obey the UN, and withdraw from Sinai forthwith. Not a chance. We Zionists have built up and fought for and won this land, and that’s why Israel exists! When a great power befriends us, it’s to serve its own interest in the region, nothing more. For the British we were a buffer against the French, until the Arabs made it too hot for them to stay here. As for the Americans, they have been embargoing arms to us while Russia armed Egypt. If...