Only twelve hours after the strike on the Egyptian brigades in the south, another threat was advancing in the north. A massive Trans-Jordanian – Iraqi armoured column was approaching Tel-Aviv. Opposing them was a single, depleted and exhausted Israeli unit. Only two Messerschmitts remained that were fit for combat. Together with Ezer Weizman, Milt Rubenfeld from the U.S. was chosen as the second pilot. Having volunteered to fight with the R.A.F. in the Battle of Britain, he was considered a classic fighter. A few minutes after they took to the air, they were bombarded with thick swirls of flak. Weizman looked around for his wingman and was horrified to spot a long black smoke trail, headed by the unmistakable shape of a Messerschmitt. By a miracle Rubenfeld managed to bail out - smack into a group of farmers from a nearby kibbutz, who took the dark-skinned Rubenfeld for an Arab. Not knowing any Hebrew he yelled out the only Yiddish words he could think ...