In the central building in Marnevski square in Warsaw, where tens of Jews were barricaded, the Zionist flag was raised. [It eventually became the national flag of Israel]. A heroic battle took part against the Nazi troops who had burst into the ghetto, and in which over 60 Jewish fighters were completely wiped out. The 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was the largest and most heroic act of armed resistance taken up by the Jews during WWII. It was also the first civic uprising in the whole of occupied Europe - apart from being one of the most significant occurrences in the history of the Jewish people. Ask any Israeli who was the leader and hero of the Warsaw Uprising and he/she will invariably reply, “ Mordechai Anilewicz ”. One of the biggest kibbutzim in Israel, Yad Mordechai, complete with a gigantic bronze statue of Mordechai Anilewicz , was founded in his name. ...