North Jersey was seriously over-banked and competition was fierce. But Siggi made sure that TCNJ offered customers a more satisfying experience than any of its competitors. Customers were so appreciative of the personal and respectful attention they got, regardless of the size of their bank account, that they called the Trust Company, “Siggi’s bank”. He treated his employees with the same personal attention as his customers. As a result, employees remained loyal to him and to the bank. Three department heads worked for TCNJ for more than fifty years. Siggi opened his heart to all employees, customers, friends, acquaintances and, although over-overworked, he spent hours, sometimes weeks, helping others - at the expense of the business and his own family. Not for nothing was the bank”s motto “The bank with a heart”. He even took time out of his business schedule to give customers, large and small, free investment advice. Not surprising that, though the 1970’s was an era of high...