Every year, the residents in the  senior residence complex where I live, donate money for a different grassroots non-profit organization. This year, the iniators of this yearly project have decided to support an organization called OneFamily. 

The list of deaths from Arab terrorist attacks in Israel is never ending. Since 1920 (many years before the “occupation”) up to the year 2018, 3,831 fatalities have been recorded in Israel! The list does not include the thousands who were injured, many very severely.  

Numbers cannot do justice to each individual family of victims of terrorism – all of whom have to cope with their unbearable loss, pain and helplessness.

My daughter, Simcha Rivlin, wrote:

“Exactly 15 years ago, 12/1/05, my husband Gideon Rivlin was killed from a  roadside bomb which was planted there by terrorists in Gush Katif. I was left with five children: Nir, Yaara, Omer, Assaf and Gilead in Ganei Tal, one of the small agricultural villages (moshavim) in Gush Katif.

One evening, shortly after we got up from sitting shiva,I heard a knock on the door. A tall stranger stood there and introduced himself as Phini Rabinowitz, coordinater of the Jerusalem and southern region from the OneFamily organization. I had no idea what this was all about and he explained the model of the organization”.

OneFamily is a non-profit and non-governmental organization recognized in Israel, the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, funded entirely through private donations from across the world.
It is a unique blend of financial assistance, therapeutic programmes, legal assistance and a steady stream of personal encouragement for each victim and their family.  It has 37 expert staff members, 731 volunteers, 4 centres around Israel, and endless loving care.

“After the expulsion from Gush Katif, in  2005, Phini continued to accompany us. The organization remained a constant presence in the background, to help and assist us in every way possible.A friendly relationship developed between us, not to speak of  the attention, caring and help  which was always forthcoming. During every family event, both happy and sad, Phini was present.  

This friendship also extended to Gideon’s parents, Sonia and Motti Rivlin, who both passed away in the last two years.

We were also kept up-to-date on the varied activities organized by OneFamily. These are geared for specific family situations and age groups. It could be a trip abroad for youngsters, Purim party, summer vacations, support groups for widows, parents, etc.

This is a truly blessed organization which, to my regret,  continues to grow from year to year, and from one terrorist attack to another.

Last summer I was privileged to return, in a very small way,  these many years of support by recruiting donations from my immediate family and friends”. 

In recognition of its success and dedication, OneFamily was awarded the 2011 Presidential Citation for Volunteerism by Israeli President Shimon Peres.

Israel’s victims of terror attacks ARE OneFamily.


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