As proud as most Jews are of being Jewish – some find it hard to understand how someone “normal” would be foolish enough to convert to Judaism. Jews are not exactly popular – in spite of their outstanding contributions to mankind.

One particular example of a convert  is Dr. Micah Goodman. His mother came from a wealthy Catholic family from Oklahoma, and converted to Judaism in an Orthodox ceremony. She married a secular Jew and immigrated to Israel with her husband, in 1969.

Dr. Goodman is a successful researcher and lecturer on Jewish philosophy, and has written several books on the subject - apart from heading an Academy of Jewish Thought. His latest book, “Moses’ Final Speech”, made its way to the top of the bestseller list very quickly. He writes that the last of the five books of the Pentateuch (Torah) Deuteronomy, is the first book in the Torah that does not profess to be of divine creation, but is a repository of the insights and thoughts of Moses.

In his speech, Moses is trying to warn the Jewish people against the hubris of becoming a strong, but corrupt, nation. Dr. Goodman writes; “Moses knows that the time he has left with his People is limited, and yet he doesn’t spend these last moments trying to convince the people the land belongs to them. He knows they will win the wars – that’s not what worries him. What he is concerned about is whether the future generations of his people will remain moral.  About whether a nation can be strong, successful and rich, and still retain a high level of morality.”

People believed that the religious rituals and the Holy Temple would protect them. They thought that all they had to do was bring sacrifices, and they would be pardoned for all their sins. But Moses said to them, ‘My people, your protection is not secured by carrying out religious ceremonies or coming to the Temple. You will only be safe if you properly treat the three groups of unprotected people in our community: the stranger, orphans and widows.’”

Deuteronomy is the last act of the Jewish people’s story before becoming a nation – and the most remarkable statement of what Judaism is about. No less relevant today than it was then. It is a programme for a model society in which righteousness is the responsibility of all.

Deuteronomy is not Christianity. There is nothing in the Old Testament about original sin and salvation of the soul. The idea does not accord with Jewish theology.

Similarly Islam, which means “submission” or “surrender” to the will of God, does not exist as a concept in Judaism at all.

Judaism is about perfection of society, which is a precondition of spirituality. Perhaps “another” Micah, the last prophet, sums up the essence of Judaism best of all. To quote the biblical text:


“It has been told thee, O man,

what is good,

And what the Lord does require of thee:

Only to do justice, And to love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God” [6:8]




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