The cumulative effect of the Arab false propaganda has been both counter-factual and unfortunate. Already in 2006, the World Heritage Site Committee of the United Nations Economic, Social, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) passed a resolution referring to the Temple Mount - the holiest site in Judaism - solely by its Arabic, Islamic name, al-Haram al Sharif

In spite of the fact that extensive documentation from antiquity and countless archaeological finds, continue to confirm both Judaism's ties to Jerusalem, and the Jewish people's millenia-old presence  in the land of Israel.

Among the obvious findings that provide proof of ancient writings about the Jews - and Jerusalem - is the Bible, much of which is magnificently displayed by the new excavation of the City of David. Other proofs are the written histories by Joseph Flavius (37-100 AD); the History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides;Peloponnesian War by Thucydides; and the famous Dead Sea Scrolls.

In 2012, remarkable excavations by the Israeli archaeologist, Dr. Eilat Mazor, unearthed a Solomon-related wall and other sites. This followed and preceded many other discoveries, such as a wide street filled with remnants of shops and tunnels, that runs near the Western Wall.

Where Palestinian propaganda is concerned, however, none of the above appears to matter. During the very week in early September that the City of David Foundation revealed the ancient Hebrew seal found near the Western Wall, Dr. Ghassan Weshah, the head of the History and Archaeology Department at the Islamic University of Gaza, told the Gaza news service “Felesteen”:

"One of the biggest lies of the Zionists with regard to the Al-Aqsa Mosque is that it was built on the ruins of the Temple, which was destroyed on August 21, 586 BCE. This is a false statement. There is no other building under the Al-Aqsa Mosque."

The Holocaust and other aspects of Jewish history are either denied, downplayed or distorted.

Despite the fact that Jesus was a Jew who lived in the Land of Judea/Israel, PA leaders repeatedly define Jesus as a Palestinian. According to them, Jesus preached Islam! Not only denying Jewish history, but also the history and legitimacy of Christianity.

If statements such as Weshah's were not taken seriously by members of the international community, they would be dismissed as the propaganda tools they are.   The quantity of irrefutable scientific evidence to the contrary, makes  it incumbent on  all honest academics to be on the alert, and to make every effort to set the record straight.


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