Taking into account the vast amount of funding and  military equipment that has been poured into the Gaza Strip for many decades - President Trump’s vision of Gaza becoming a Riviera in the Middle East could have become a reality. Instead, with the unanimous support of the Gazan citizens, the terrorist group Hamas, has made it quite clear that their sole purpose is to destroy Israel. Jews elsewhere they leave in the hands of their fellow terrorists      

Exactly 20 years ago, over 80,000 Israeli’s were forced to abandon their thriving communities in the Gaza Strip, for the sake of peace - making Gaza Judenreim. Ever since, the Palestinians have attacked Israel in every conceivable way  - culminating in October 7th, 2023, which, they believed, would put an end to the Jewish state.

The Gazan Arabs have been offered  a Palestinian state by almost all the recent American Presidents, including Biden - who all wanted the credit for ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Only the Israeli’s, pressurized by the Americans, were expected to make all the painful concessions.

At the Camp David summit In 2,000, at the sponsorship of President Bill Clinton, an offer which could not be refused was made to Yassar Arafat, the head of the PLO. This offer included a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem, together with 96% of the “West Bank”. The original names for the so-called West Bank  are Judea and Samaria - the heartland of the Jewish state.

Yassar Arafat walked away.

A few months ago, Bill Clinton stated that the offer made to the Palestinians at Camp David was a once-in-a-lifetime  offer. It should have been obvious at the time, and with the subsequent actions of Hamas, that a Palestinian state was never on the agenda. The annihilation of Israel was, and still is, their objective.

Since then, Gaza has become a total wreck and the Gazan population will meanwhile have to be relocated. Now is the time for the many  proclaimed “friends” of the Palestinians to step forward. Ireland, one of their greatest friends, is an obvious candidate – together with others such as the Scandinavians and the Australians who, by the way, have lots of real estate at their disposal.

But the most obvious choices, and the ones which President Trump proposed, are Egypt and Jordan. Egypt once owned Gaza, which they couldn’t wait to get rid of. Given no choice, the Israeli’s were obliged to take it over, providing the Gazans with free electricity and water. 

Egypt gave a whole area to the Jews, called Goshen, once - that was before my time. The Jews not only accepted, but made the Egyptians very rich in the process.

Egypt are so concerned by the plight of  its Arab brothers and sisters in Gaza, that it even built a high wall to keep them out.

As for Jordan, well Jordan is effectively a Palestinian state already, with a majority of Palestinians living there. Jordan misses no opportunity in accusing Israel for the atrocities they commit against the poor Palestinians, including ethnic cleansing. As Douglas Murray pointed out, Queen Rania goes around the world giving passionate speeches condemning the dreadful Israeli’s. She conveniently forgot, or perhaps is ignorant of the fact that, in the 1970’s, her father-in-law massacred  a large number of Palestinians in Jordan, because they disagreed with him.

What more will it take for the world to wake up to the true facts relating to the Gazan entity; to be able  to differentiate between the good guys and the bad guys; and to recognize evil when it stares them in the face. 


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