AN EVERLASTING LIGHT - I For all my new readers, I am rewriting a blog I wrote a few years ago, which is still relevant: Perhaps the most significant battle that the Jews fought, and won, took place in the second century BCE. Desiring to unify his kingdom through the medium of a common religion and culture Antiochus, the Greek ruler at that time, tried to root out the individualism of the Jews by desecrating their holy Temple and suppressing all the Jewish Laws. Tomorrow we start the eight day Festival commemorating this particular victory - this year coinciding exactly with Christmas. The story of Mattitiyahu Maccabee and his sons, who head the Revolt, is told in detail in the two books of the Maccabees. A small, vastly outnumbered band of Jews waged battle against the mighty Greek armies, and drove them out of the land. Even though Judaism would have disappeared if Antiochus had succeeded in his strategy, Jewish sages chose to leave these book...